Monday, November 16, 2009

hero archetypes outline

Hero archetype outline

He is a adventurous archetype

he has to get out of the south because of the segregation

he joins the army

he had god,a Jehovah wittiness

he becomes part of the anointed class of wittiness's

he gets a job and starts to make money

he gets out of the army and he has found that he made it out of the south

there is still segregation in the south

my grandpa found my grandma and they fell in love



he gave up smoking to be a Jehovah wittiness

he got a house raised a family and is still on of Jehovah's wittiness's


he has not been back

he is good at teaching people about the bible

he is now happy and doing cool

Monday, November 9, 2009

Story Structure: 510 stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth)

The Hero's Journey (also known as the Monomyth) is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. It is upon this structure that situations are superimposed. This is why stories such as Alien (1979), Gladiator (2000), Godfather (1972), American Beauty (1999), Annie Hall (1977) and many others (all deconstructed at appear to be different but are all constructed, almost sequence by sequence, in the same way.

Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters.

The following blockbusters have all been structured around the Hero's Journey template: Titanic, 1997 - grossed over $600,000,000; Star Wars, 1977 - grossed over $460,000,000; Shrek 2, 2004 - grossed over $436,000,000; ET, 1982 - grossed over $434,000,000; Spiderman, 2002 - grossed over $432,000,000. So how come you don't know it inside out?

For a number of very valid reasons, if you want to write (and sell) successful stories, whether they're Hollywood blockbusters, Indie successes, novels or other story forms, you need to master the Hero's Journey in a very detailed way...

If you're a serious writer and want to make money from your writing, you need to understand the Complete 510+ stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) in its entirety.....Buy it now.

Full details on the main page


Full details on the main web page



Hero's Journey examples (basic deconstructions):

Shawshank Redemption (1994)

Easy Rider (1969)




Hero's Journey basic example: Shawshank Redemption (1994):

[there are many more examples if you goto the main web page]

If you're a serious writer and want to make money from your writing, you need to understand the Complete 510+ stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) in its entirety.....Buy it now.

Full details on the main page

FADE IN: opening music indicates era the story is set in.

Introduce Hero (Andy Dusfresne) and the Romantic Challenge [his wife is having an affair].

Development of Hero's character and the Romantic Challenge [the court hearing; details of his wife's murder; did he kill her?]

Call to Adventure. Hero forced out of his Ordinary World by Herald [the judge sentences Andy to two life sentences].

Meeting the Supernatural Aid (Mentor) and his challenge (Morgan Freeman playing "Red.") [Red faces the parole board and is rejected].

Mentor's status [other inmates rush after and walk behind Red].

Mentor is comfortable in this World [Red walks comfortably and stands tall in this World].

Mentor's capabilities [narration tells us that Red can "get anything;" he's a regular Sears and Roebuck].

Hero enters the First Threshold – Red's World [the bus brings in Andy].

Overview of the New World Hero in entering [overview of the prison].

Hero's status in his Ordinary World [Red narrates that Andy was a VP of a bank – good work for a man his age].

Strange creatures in the New World [from Andy's POV, the prisoners are strange and unfamiliar].

If you're a serious writer and want to make money from your writing, you need to understand the Complete 510+ stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) in its entirety.....Buy it now.

Full details on the main page

Meeting the Antagonist's Lieutenant / Shape Shifter (Captain Hadley) and is nature [he's a vicious bully].

Hero's status in the New World is low [they're "maggot shit" and "new fish"]. Meeting the Threshold Guardian (Heywood).

Hero uncomfortable in this New World [Andy walking outside the bus].

Mentor notices and evaluates the Hero [Red notices Andy].

Hero enters the Threshold of the Inner Cave [Andy et al line up inside].

An authority figure dictates the rules of this place; meeting the antagonist [Norton tells them the way it is].

Antagonists demonstrate their nature [Hadley truncheon's a prisoner in the stomach].

Transformation begins; Hero begins to lose his Old Self [Andy showered and powdered].

Warnings of the danger of the Journey, the Inner Cave and the First Threshold ["somebody always breaks down the first night."]. Hero enters the Inner Cave [Andy enters his cell].

Confronting the shadows, demons and ghosts of the Inner Cave [the voices of the inmates].

Near Death experience [Hadley kills the fat inmate, but Red his money on Andy getting beaten].

Hero survives the Near Death experience. The Mentor learns not to underestimate him ["on his first night, Andy cost me ten cigarettes – he never made a sound."].

Hero investigates his New World [Andy looks around the following morning].

Foreshadow of the Road of Trials [Bogs notices Andy].

Hero meets allies [Brooks asks for the maggot for Jake, the crow].

Tangible symbol of this phase of the Journey (Jake, the crow). Symbolic of the transformation ["I'm gonna look after him until he's big enough to fly"].

Conflict with a Shape Shifter (Heydon) ["what the fuck do you care New Fish!"].

Foreshadow of the Road of Trials [Bogs hits on Andy].

Physical Separation form the Old World [Andy keeps himself to himself for a month and then talks to Red].

Mentor warns hero of the coming Trials [Red warns Andy about Bogs and the Sisters].

Mentor agrees to provide the Hero with a Magical Aid. Mentor / Hero relationship established [Red agrees to get Andy a rock hammer].

Mentor reflects on the Hero [Red comments on Andy's manner and narrates that he likes him].

Mentor secures the Magical Aid [Red secures the rock hammer].

Allies assist in the delivery of the Magical Aid [Brooks helps deliver the rock hammer].

Transformation. Trial 1. Resistance [Andy fights off Bog et al]. Trial1 . Andy gets gang raped.

Time Stretch ["things went on like that for a while…the sisters kept at him"].

Time Stretch. Preparing for Trial 2 [red arranges for the allies to repair the roof].

Trial 2. Andy arranges to take care of Capt. Hadley's taxes.

Celebrating the passing of Trial 2. The boys drink beer on the rooftop.

Character development; Mentor's backstory [Andy and Red talk chess; Red is the "only guilty man in Shawshank."]

Foreshadow of the Final Conflict [Andy carves chess pieces with the rock hammer; Andy starts scratching the wall; Andy sources a poster of Rita Hayworth from Red].

Resisting Trial 3 [Andy resists Bogs et al again]. Trial 3 {Bogs et al rape Andy again and put him in the infirmary]. Hero's capabilities demonstrated [Andy prevents having to give the blowjobs]. Hero's Transformation demonstrated [Andy stands up to Bogs].

Separating from the World of the Trials [Capt. Hadley (playing a Shape Shifter) takes care of Bogs].

Celebrating the Passing of the Trials [Red et al secure some rocks for Andy and Rita Hayworth].

Meeting with the Oracle [Norton sizes Andy up for the Journey to the Sword].

Oracle guides Hero toward the Sword [Norton assigns Andy a job in the library].

Tangible symbol of growth [We meet a grown up Jake].

Mentor guides Hero around the World of the Sword [Brooks shows Andy around].

Foreshadow of the journey to the Sword [Andy does accounts for a prison guard].

Developing the Ideal [Andy wants to develop the library for altruistic purposes].

Journey to the Sword with allies [Andy becomes the prison accountant; red becomes a staff member].

Time Stretch:

Resistance to the Return to the Old World; Foreshadow of the Freedom to Live [Brooks upset at getting parole].

Reasons to fear the Return to the Ordinary World [Brooks is institutionalised].

Journey back to the Ordinary World [Brooks lets Jake go].

Danger of the Ordinary World [Brooks returns and eventually commits suicide].

Seizing the Sword [Andy gets the funds for the library].

Celebrating the Seizing of the Sword; pursued by the Antagonist; separating from the World of the Sword [Andy plays the Mozart record].

Rebirth through Death [Andy survives two weeks in the hole; when he returns he takes centre seat at the table; "easiest time I ever did."]

Warnings about the Atonement and Apotheosis "hope is a dangerous thing."

Reminder of the Mentor's challenge [Red refused parole again].

Time Stretch ["I wonder where 10 years went…"]

Resistance to the Warnings [Andy gives Red a harmonica – hope is a good thing].

Time Stretch [Marilyn Monroe poster; Red thinks about the harmonica].

Transformation complete [The State awards Andy full funding for a library]; change of clothing and new glasses.

Build up to the Final Conflict; expanding the character of the antagonist [Norton puts the prisoners to work on "community projects."]

Foreshadow of the Atonement [Andy doing Warden Norton's books].

Foreshadow of the Master of Two Worlds [Andy tells Red about the forged identities].

Arrival of the Joker – build up to the Atonement [Tommy arrives].

Joker's backstory [Tommy's done time].

Time Stretch: Hero mentors the Joker [Andy teaches Tommy; Raquel Welch poster].

Setting up the Atonement with the Father [Tommy tells Red et al that Andy is really innocent].

Atonement with the Father [Andy confronts Norton; "how can you be so obtuse…"; solitary for a month; Norton shoots Tommy; Norton threatens to put Andy in with the sodomites and burn the library].

Apotheosis: "you either get bust living or you get busy dying."

Ultimate Boon: Synergy [Red et al are concerned about Andy and will keep an eye on him].

Ultimate Boon: Reward [Andy gets the warden's accounts], replaces the Father [puts on Norton's shoes] and escapes.

Refusal of the Return [Norton et al can't believe Andy has escaped].

Magic Flight [Andy's escape developed with flashbacks].

Master of the Two Worlds [Andy cleans out Norton's bank accounts and sends in the incriminating evidence]. Norton and Capt. Hadley pursued by police].

Foreshadow of the Freedom to Live [the postcard].

Rescue from Without / Mentor's Challenge [Red gets released].

Crossing the Return Threshold [Red out in the Ordinary World].

Freedom to Live [Red finds the directions to Mexico and joins Red].

If you're a serious writer and want to make money from your writing, you need to understand the Complete 510+ stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) in its entirety.....Buy it now.

Full details on the main page



Hero's Journey basic example: Easy Rider (1969): (incomplete)

[there are many more examples if you goto the main web page]

Ordinary World: La Contenta Bar

New / Strange Creatures: people watching.

Meeting the Heroes: Wyatt and Billy ride up.

Supernatural Aid: the dope dealer.

Magical Gift: testing, buying and selling the dope; money.

Journey Symbolism: the aircraft.

Journey symbolism: the truck.

Preparing for the Journey: hiding the dope in the bikes.

Magical Carpets: the Harleys.

Leaving behind a tangible element of the Old World and Old Self: dropping the watch.

Journey: hitting the road.

Full details on the main page

Buy the Complete 510+ stage Hero's Journey / Monomyth

Physical Marker between the Old and New Worlds: crossing the bridge.

Interdiction: the stop sign.

New world: riding through the town.

Threshold Guardian: the hotel reception.

New World: by the fire.

Character development: by the fire; status relationships.

Call to Adventure: Billy's Speil.

Refusal: Wyatt's speil.

New World: Wyatt browses around in the morning.

Supernatural Aid: meeting the cowboys; in the barn.

New Creatures and Behaviours: sitting down to eat; would you mind taking off your hat; prayers.

Fishes out of Water: where are you fellas from?

Mentor: when I was young….you sure got a nice spread here.

Magical Gift: fixing the bike; eating.

Journey: on the road again.

Picking up the hitcher.

Sacred Mountain gas station.

Billy objects to the hitcher filling up.

The hitcher pays for the gas.

On the road again.

New World / New Sights: Monument Valley.

Watching the sunset.

Camping with the hitcher.

Elixir: going to New Orleans.

Getting high by the fire with the hitcher; he doesn't give a straight answer; “you could be a trifle polite.”

Challenge: I never wanted to be anyone else.

Journey: on the road again.

Riding into the hippy commune.

New World: the hitcher washes strangely.

New Creatures: the kids and women.

Romantic Challenge: Sarah; the woman watching Wyatt; I think he's beautiful.

The Mime Troop performs.

The hitcher explains the history; people planting seeds.

360 degree shot of the people; they want a place to make a stand.

The girl sits next to Wyatt; “are you an aquarius?”

Billy likes Sarah.

Who sent you?

Billy has to get out of here.

The girls want a ride across the canyon; Billy objects; hey, where eating their food.

Wyatt and Billy walk with the girls; in the water.

The Parade.

Joining the Parade.

Pulled over by the cops.

In jail.

Graffiti on the walls.

Meeting George Hanson in jail.

George is released.

Billy asks for a cigarette; the cop refuses; George persuades him.

George is a lawyer and helps them get out.

George convinces the cops not to tell his Pop.

George takes a drink.

George has a card for the best whorehouse in the USA.

George wants to go with them.

Journey to the Sword: Do you have a helmet? I got a beauty; Wyatt gives George a ride on his bike.

Journey: on the road again.

Oracle: George gives Wyatt some marijuana.

Outer Chamber / Resistance: George doesn't want to get hooked.

Inner Chamber / Overcoming Resistance: George smokes the MJ.

Seizing the Sword: George gets high. They talk UFO's.

Reward: makes the day look totally different; Pissing on the side of the road; “don't Bogart that joint, my friend…”; riding through the town and the shantytowns.

World of Rebirth: arriving in the “Home Made Pies” cafĂ©; “what the hell is this, troublemakers?”

Goddess Temptation: The girls admire the boys.

Foreshadow of the Near Death Experience: the cop and the other men insult the boys.

Night Sea Journey: The boys decide to leave.

Goddess Temptation: The girls want a ride.

Pushed to the Night Sea Journey: The man is at the window; riding away.

Night Sea Journey: this used to be a hell of a country; what you represent to them is freedom….

Near Death Experience: getting attacked in the middle of the night; George dies.

Reward: using George's card for a good meal.

World of Atonement: In the whorehouse; The girls come in.

Atonement with the Father: You're a freak aren't you; is this your hair; I never really thought I was freak, myself.

Apotheosis: I've got an idea; we'll all go outside to Mardi Gras; Outside in Mardi Gras; the Holy Father narrative.

Ultimate Boon: kissing the hooker; Smoking some more; Sex and getting high around the mausoleum;

Crossing the Return Threshold / Physical Marker / Journey: crossing the bridge.

Master of Two Worlds: you know Billy, we blew it.

Journey: on the road again.

Final Conflict: the truck arrives.

Catharsis 1: Billy is shot.

Catharsis 2:Wyatt tries to help; goes for help.

Catharsis 3:Wyatt is shot.

If you're a serious writer and want to make money from your writing, you need to understand the Complete 510+ stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) in its entirety.....Buy it now.

Full details on the main page






Wednesday, November 4, 2009

the clapping poem.

   music music all around 
clap clap clap hear the sound 
clapping beats go on and on 
clap lil-re that one raw song.

Monday, November 2, 2009

who got clapped at.

this kid made me a song to hear but it sucked so i clapped at him
i turned on my slaps and the guys ears started bleeding and then a group
of people came to clapp at him to but he had allready been clapped at just
goes to show you cant handle the clap.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

this link will take you to my slappen myspace that clapp fasho

public anouncement

the beats that you will hear will most likely make you want to bite but don't i will sew on the real bruh
in the mean time sit down and chill out with the southing music created by yours truely

P.S. clap on